Monday, November 26, 2012

Memorization Monday - Romans 8:28

Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Sometimes we quote only the first part of the verse, but it is important to realize that this is a promise that is contingent on two things -- we must be someone who loves God, and we must be one who is called according to His purpose. If these two conditions are valid then we know that God is working all things together for us.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Importance of Basing our Faith on Truth

Those of you who read this blog often know that I often post excerpts from Valley of Vision, a book of Puritan prayers and devotions.  I usually post them without comment, but today I'd like to take a closer look at part of one that I read the other day.

Here's the excerpt with my comments in italics:

It is not feeling the Spirit that proves
   my saved state but the truth of what
   Christ did perfectly for me;
It's important to focus not on our feelings but on the truth God presents to us. Feelings can be deceiving and although they are God-given, they should not be depended on to know the truth.
All holiness in him by faith made mine.
   as if I had done it;
This is a crucial point in the Christian faith. The Bible teaches that the righteousness of Christ is  transferred to our account. Our own righteousness is not sufficient. We need to have God's own righteousness applied to us. 
Therefore I see the use of his righteousness,
   for satisfaction to divine justice and making
      me righteous.
It is this righteousness, the righteousness of Christ attributed to us, that satisfies a holy God. When divine justice investigates me to determine my state, God finds me perfectly righteous, not because of my own goodness, but because of Christ's righteousness given to me.
It is not inner sensation that makes Christ’s death
   for that may be delusion, being without the Word,
Again, it is not our feelings that accomplish these things, but our belief and trust in the promise of God that makes it real, no matter how we feel.
   but his death apprehended by my faith,
   and so testified by Word and Spirit.

We need to understand that truth comes first. God has acted on our behalf and He has told us about it in the Scriptures. Based on His promises we accept God's offer of forgiveness and the transfer of righteousness. Our feelings are a result of the fact that God's promises are sure and His Word reliable. The facts come first, then comes the faith in those facts and finally the feelings come line up with the facts.  That's the biblical order.

Friday, November 23, 2012

The Church, the Body of Christ - Part 4

This is the fourth and last installment in this series. To get the context, it would be wise for you to go back and read the first three posts.

Ephesians 5:28-32 describe the relationship of Christ and the church as similar to marriage. The church is literally the body of Christ and we are members of his flesh and of his bones.

God is creating in Christ one new man. The church is that one new man. It is something new that didn't exist before. As God is creating this body, He is equipping individuals with various gifts of grace and is placing them in the body where He desires them to be. Because the body is many members, and not just one, each person should see himself as an important functioning part of the body. Because the body is one body, each person should see himself as interconnected with others and functioning together to accomplish one end.

In 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 there is an interesting triplet of phrases. 

There are differences of gifts but the same Spirit. All of the members are indwelt by the one Spirit of God and yet that Spirit gives different gifts for the proper functioning of the body.

There are differences of ministries but the same Lord. The word ministries means service or serving. There is one Lord Jesus Christ who directs everything. We are all servants who have different areas or types of service. But it is the same Lord who oversees the whole operation.

There are differences of activities or energizings but the same God who works in each one. The word for energy is used several times in this section. As the different parts minister using their gifts, they are using energy and accomplishing work all empowered by the one God.

So you see all three members of the trinity at work here. Each one is manifested in a different way in the operation of the various parts of the body.

A key phrase is mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:7 which is that all of this is for the profit of all. As each part does its share, the body grows and strengthens and becomes what God has called it to be. See Ephesians 4:16; Colossians 2:19; and Romans 12:6 and following where the main thought is that each part is like the joints and sinews of a human body. As each part works appropriately to it's created function, the body is healthy and growing. That is God's design for the body of Christ.

So you see, the church is not just an organization like the Kiwanis club. It is actually a living entity with one Spirit at its core living and acting through all of the various parts as they work together. That is the way that Jesus Christ is still present and active in this world.

If you would like to have a copy of these lessons in PDF form you can find them here. If you would like the lessons with the answers, you can find it here.

You may use these in your personal Bible study or in a group study. You don't need to ask permission. However, I would like some feedback from you or your group. What makes sense?  What doesn't make sense? I want to make improvements as I go along so your cooperation in that regard would be appreciated.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Church, the Body of Christ - Part 3

For the complete context of these lessons, you should read the two previous posts before working through this lesson.

By way of review though we have made the following statements:

Ephesians 5:28-32 describe the relationship of Christ and the church as similar to marriage. The church is literally the body of Christ and we are members of his flesh and of his bones. God is creating in Christ one new man. The church is that one new man. It is something new that didn't exist before.

1. All of this is the eternal purpose of God, hidden for ages. (Ephesians 3:9, 10)

2. His body, the church, is the fullness of God. (Ephesians 1:23)

3. In order to be a part of this we have been made a new creation, born again, given a new heart, made partakers of the divine nature, made one spirit with Christ, given the mind of Christ and placed (baptized) into the body of Christ by the Spirit.

4. The goal is to grow into the perfect (or complete or mature) man unto the stature of the fullness of Christ. Ephesians 4:13. The man referred to here is not each individual man becoming like Christ, but the one new man, the church, which God is creating.

5. We are members one of another and individually members of Christ. (Rom 12:5; I Cor 12:27)

Let's move forward now in our study.  When the Holy Spirit places a person into the body of Christ, He provides and equips each person specifically with certain things. First He gives each one grace according to the measure of Christ's gift. (Ephesians 4:7)  Then He also provides each one a measure of faith. (Romans 12:3)  And finally He gives each one a manifestation of the Spirit. (1 Corinthians 12:7)  These are all distributed according to the will of God, not according to the desire of the person. The Spirit distributes to each one individually as He wills. (1 Corinthians 12:11)

This results in three key truths. First of all the body is not one member but many. (1 Corinthians 12:14) The body of Christ is not just an eye ball. There are many members each having a particular role to play in maintaining the "health" of the body. This truth should eliminate discouragement and jealousy.

Secondly, even though there are many members, it is one body. (1 Corinthians 12:20)  This truth should eliminate arrogance and pride. All of the members, no matter how small or insignificant they seem are important. And actually the scripture says that just like in the human body we take special care of the parts that are weaker or more sensitive.

Finally, God composed the body to give greater honor to the parts that lacked. (1 Corinthians 12:24) His purpose is that there should be no schism or division in the body. This truth should produce mutual care and encouragement. When we  realize that the others in the body are all part of the same body and that their role is equally important, we will have a special care for them rather than trying to make divisions.

If you would like to have a copy of these lessons in PDF form you can find them here. If you would like the lessons with the answers, you can find it here.

You may use these in your personal Bible study or in a group study. You don't need to ask permission. However, I would like some feedback from you or your group. What makes sense?  What doesn't make sense? I want to make improvements as I go along so your cooperation in that regard would be appreciated.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Church, the Body of Christ - Part 2

To pick up on the context of today's discussion it would be a good idea to read yesterday's post first.

Ephesians 5:28-32 describe the relationship of Christ and the church as similar to marriage. The church is literally the body of Christ and we are members of his flesh and of his bones. As Eve was brought out of Adam while he slept, the church is a new creation resulting from the death, burial and resurrection of Christ.

God is creating in Christ one new man. The church is that one new man. It is something new that didn't exist before.

All of this is the eternal purpose of God, hidden for ages. Ephesians 3:9, 10

This new “man” supersedes nationality, social status and even gender. Galatians 3:28

This truth is based on several truths about what God has accomplished in those He is bringing into the body of Christ. I'm just going to list them for you to consider.

A Christian --
is a new creation. -  2 Corinthians 5:17
has been born again by an incorruptible seed. - 1 Peter 1:23
has been given a new heart. -  Ezekiel 36:26
is made a partaker of the divine nature. -  2 Peter 1:4
is one Spirit with Christ. - 1 Corinthians 6:17
is given the mind of Christ. - 1 Corinthians 2:16
is baptized into the body by the Spirit. - 1 Corinthians 12:13
is individually a member of the body of Christ. - 1 Corinthians 12:27
is a members of one another. - Romans 12:5

All of these statements are true for each true believer in Christ. We need to remember these things when we are pressed down by circumstances in life. We need to call to mind the fact that we are part of Christ and share in His spirit.  

If you would like to have a copy of these lessons in PDF form you can find them here. If you would like the lessons with the answers, you can find it here.

You may use these in your personal Bible study or in a group study. You don't need to ask permission. However, I would like some feedback from you or your group. What makes sense?  What doesn't make sense? I want to make improvements as I go along so your cooperation in that regard would be appreciated.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Church, the Body of Christ - Literally (Expanded)

In September I posted a short Bible study on this topic. Since then I have finished the study and so I want to re-post an expanded version of the first two parts followed by the third and fourth in the series so that you will have them in sequential order.  You will find the entire four lessons in pdf form here.  If you want to see the same lessons with the answers filled in, you can find it here. There is some overlap because what I didn't finish in one session of the class, I carried over to the next lesson. In addition, parts that are the most important I purposely repeated for emphasis.

Ephesians 5:30-32 reads this way in the NKJV. "For we are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones. 'For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.' This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church."

Paul is writing about marriage and at the same time is discussing Christ and the church. He quotes from Genesis 2:24 just after the creation of Eve and after Adam had said that his wife was "bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh."

Paul tells us very clearly here that he is speaking of Christ and the church and he even uses the same two words that Adam used and says that we are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones. So I take it from this that somehow, born again Christians are literally part of the body of Christ.

Earlier in the book of Ephesians, in chapter 2 and verse 15 Paul says that God is creating one new man. The church is that new man. It is a creation of God and is an organic and living being. It is not just an organization. To me the most astounding aspect of this is that it has been God's purpose from eternity past to create this entity called the church and through it "the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places, according to the eternal purpose which He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Ephesians 3:10, 11)

In Ephesians 1:23, Paul had said that the church is "the fullness of Him that fills all in all." Who is the "Him" he is talking about? Obviously the one who fills all in all is God. The church somehow is the fullness of God. I don't understand it and I'm afraid to put any other synonyms into the sentence in order to clarify it because it sounds almost sacrilegious.  So if you are part of the church, you are part of the fullness of God.

Now let me clarify that I'm talking about something different than just being a member of a church. A church organization can have members. Some of those members are truly born again people and some are not. Those who are born again, those who have been regenerated by the power of God have been placed into the body of Christ and are part of God's fullness.

The overall goal is stated in Ephesians 4:13 -- To become a perfect man reaching the stature of the fullness of Christ. This perfect man is not an individual man who reaches that level. The perfect man is the church, the new man mentioned in Ephesians 2:15. As the individual members of the body work together, each contributing according to the gifts God has given him, the body grows into the stature of the fullness of Christ.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Memorization Monday - Romans 8:27

Romans 8:27 Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

The larger context of this verse tells us that we don't know how to pray as we should. It doesn't say sometimes we don't know how to pray. It says that we don't know how to pray and therefore the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be uttered. That means it is so deep inside that these prayers don't even reach the mouth. Today's verse continues that thought and lets us know that as God listens, he knows the mind of the Spirit. So even when our prayers are shallow or not on target as far as the will of God is concerned, the Spirit is praying for us according to the will of God and that is what God the Father hears.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Hymn of the Week: Look Ye Saints

Look, Ye saints by Thomas Kelly

Look, ye saints! The sight is glorious;
See the Man of Sorrows now!
From the fight returned victorious,
Every knee to Him shall bow;
Crown Him! Crown Him!
Crowns become the Victor’s brow

Crown the Savior! Angels, crown Him!
Rich the trophies Jesus brings;
In the seat of pow’r enthrone Him,
While the vault of heaven rings;
Crown Him! Crown Him!
Crown the Savior King of kings.

Sinners in derision crowned Him,
Mocking thus the Savior’s claim;
Saints and angels crowd around Him,
Own His title, praise His name;
Crown Him! Crown Him!
Spread abroad the Victor’s fame!

Hark! Those bursts of acclamation!
Hark! Those loud triumphant chords!
Jesus takes the highest station
O what joy the sight affords!
Crown Him! Crown Him!
King of king and Lord of lords!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Our Triumphant Savior

Great was the joy of Israel’s sons
when Egypt died upon the shore,
Far greater the joy
when the Redeemer’s foe lay crushed in the dust.
Jesus strides forth as the victor,
conqueror of death, hell, and all opposing might;
He bursts the bands of death,
tramples the powers of darkness down,
and lives for ever.

He, my gracious surety,
apprehended for payment of my debt,
comes forth from the prison house of the grave
free, and triumphant over sin, Satan, and death.
Show me herein the proof that his vicarious offering is accepted,
that the claims of justice are satisfied,
that the devil’s sceptre is shivered,
that his wrongful throne is levelled.

Give me the assurance that in Christ I died, in Him I rose,
in His life I live, in His victory I triumph,
in His ascension I shall be glorified.
Adorable Redeemer,
Thou who wast lifted up upon a cross
art ascended to highest heaven.
Thou, who as man of sorrows wast crowned with thorns,
art now as Lord of life wreathed with glory.

Once, no shame more deep than Thine,
no agony more bitter, no death more cruel.
Now, no exaltation more high,
no life more glorious, no advocate more effective.
Thou art in the triumph car leading captive Thine enemies behind Thee.

What more could be done than Thou hast done!
Thy death is my life, Thy resurrection my peace,
Thy ascension my hope, Thy prayers my comfort.

From Valley of Vision, Published by  Banner of Truth Trust, Page 48.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Puritan Prayer

O God of the highest heaven,
Occupy the throne of my heart,
         take full possession and reign supreme,
   lay low every rebel lust,
   let no vile passion resist thy holy war;
   manifest thy mighty power,
     and make me thine for ever.
Thou art worthy to be
   praised with my every breath,
   loved with my every faculty of soul,
   served with my every act of life.
Thou hast loved me, espoused me, received me,
   purchased, washed, favoured, clothed,
     adorned me,
   when I was worthless, vile, soiled, polluted.
I was dead in iniquities,
   having no eyes to see thee,
   no ears to hear thee,
   no taste to relish thy joys,
   no intelligence to know thee;
But thy Spirit has quickened me,
   has brought me into a new world as a
     new creature,
   has given me spiritual perception,
   has opened to me thy Word as light, guide,
     solace, joy.
Thy presence is to me a treasure of unending peace;
No provocation can part me from thy sympathy,
   for thou hast drawn me with cords of love,
   and dost forgive me daily, hourly.
O help me then to walk worthy of thy love,
   of my hopes, and my vocation.
Keep me, for I cannot keep myself;
Protect me that no evil befall me;
Let me lay aside every sin admired of many;
Help me to walk by thy side, lean on thy arm,
   hold converse with thee,
That henceforth I may be salt of the earth
   and a blessing to all.

From The Valley of Vision, Published by the Banner of Truth Trust, page 47

Monday, November 12, 2012

Memorization Monday - Romans 8:26

Romans 8:26 Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

A Prayer on Election Day

Our father in heaven, You are holy and high and lifted up and separate from sinners. You are the one who inhabits eternity and sits above the circle of the earth. You are the one who sees the nations as a drop in the bucket and dust on the scales. We on the other hand are of the earth. We are like specks in that dust or molecules in that drop. In spite of that vast difference you are mindful of us and you remember that we are dust and you have asked us to come boldly before your throne to find mercy and grace to help in time of need.

It is our desire that you would reign on the earth as you do in heaven; that you would find us running to do your bidding and please you as the inhabitants of heaven do this very hour. And yet we fall far short of your glory. So I pray that your will would be done in our world and in our nation. In order for that to happen, we recognize that your reign must be evident in our churches and our homes. That in turn leads us right to ourselves for ultimately this is a dishonest world because we are dishonest individuals and this is a selfish world because we are selfish. So my prayer is that you would help me to be the kind of person you would desire for the world. Help me to love others as you have loved me. Help me to forgive others as you have forgiven me.

Finally on this election day, we pray for your will to be done in our nation since you are the one who places people into authority. You have said that exaltation comes neither from the east nor from the west nor from the south. But God is the Judge; He puts down one, and exalts another. You have also said that there is no authority except from God and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. And so we humbly ask that through this election you appoint those authorities that will be best for our good and the glory of your name.

It is in Jesus' name that we pray. Amen.

Monday, November 05, 2012

Memorization Monday - Romans 8:21

Because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.  Romans 8:21

Sunday, November 04, 2012

Hymn of the Week - I Stand Redeemed

At the dawn of eternity, when the mist of time is gone,
When the choir of heaven gathers to begin redemption’s song,
I will bow before my Savior in a body new and whole;
Then I’ll rise to sing His praises while eternal ages roll.

I stand redeemed by the blood of Jesus.
The price is paid; my debt is gone.
The chains that bound me no longer hold me.
Because of Calvary, I stand redeemed.

As I gaze upon my Savior and the wounds He bore for me,
I will sing of His salvation bought with blood upon the tree.
While the host of angels listen to a song they cannot sing,
I will voice my praise to Jesus with the song of the redeemed.

I stand redeemed by the blood of Jesus.
The price is paid; my debt is gone.
The chains that bound me no longer hold me.
Because of Calvary, I stand redeemed.

©2007, Majesty Music