Thursday, August 28, 2014

Great Christian Hymns

Here's a profitable project for you, especially my younger Christian friends. Tim Challies, on his blog the other day, posted what in his opinion are the 10 greatest hymns of all time. Obviously that is going to leave out a lot of really good hymns and so many, many people responded with their suggestions as to what should have been included. I was surprised at the number of different hymns represented and I know that almost all of them are tremendous hymns with scriptural lyrics.

So here's my assignment for you. Go to the link below where the hymn suggestions are located. Go through as many of the hymn titles as you can just reading the titles. Don't forget to look through as many of the comments as you can. Take 15 or 20 minutes to do this and see if you recognize most of them or not. Whether you know them or not, either make a list or keep track of where this link is found so that you can go back to it and as frequently as you can over the next several weeks, read the lyrics of one hymn at a time as part of your daily devotion time, either personally or with your family. If you can do this once a day, that would be great. If you can work through 3 or 4 in a week that would be good too. Maybe you can only read one a week. Then do that. If you don't have a hymnbook with the lyrics in it, use the Internet to find the lyrics. Read the lyrics slowly and carefully and think about what they are saying. If you are a husband and father do this with your wife and kids.

These hymns should be in the repertoire of every Christian in my opinion. To the degree we are not familiar with the great hymns of the faith, we are missing a whole segment of the Christian life. So make it a long term goal to become familiar with as many of these hymns as you can.

I'd like to hear how it goes. I think you will be a better man for it.

Here's the link:

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