Friday, March 21, 2014

Even You were as One of Them

“Even you were as one of them.” Obadiah 1:11

Brotherly kindness was due from Edom to Israel in the time of need, but instead, the men of Esau joined ranks with Israel’s enemies. Special stress in the sentence before us is laid on the word you; just as when Caesar cried to Brutus, “and you Brutus;” a bad action may be all the worse because of the person who committed it. When we, who are the chosen favorites of heaven, sin, we sin with an emphasis; ours is a crying offence because we are so especially favored. If an angel should lay his hand upon us when we are doing evil, he does not need to use any other rebuke than the question, “What you? What are you doing here?” Much forgiven, much delivered, much instructed, much enriched, much blessed, shall we dare to put forth our hand unto evil? God forbid!

A few minutes of confession may be beneficial to you this morning. Have you never been as the wicked? At an evening party certain men laughed at uncleanness, and the joke was not altogether offensive to your ear, even you were as one of them. When hard things were spoken concerning the ways of God, you were bashfully silent; and so, to onlookers, you were as one of them. When worldlings were bartering in the market, and driving hard bargains, were you not as one of them? When they were pursuing vanity with the drive of a hunter, were you not as greedy for gain they they were? Could any difference be discerned between you and them? Is there any difference? Here we come to the crux of the issue. Be honest with your own soul and make sure that you are a new creature in Christ Jesus; but when this is sure, walk jealously, lest any should again be able to say, “Even you were as one of them.” You would not desire to share their eternal doom, why then be like them here? Do not come into their secret doings, lest you come into their ruin. Side with the afflicted people of God, and not with the world.

Taken from Charles Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening, passage for the morning of July 23.

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